The slow food movement is a global initiative focused on encouraging people to stop eating processed and fast food. Instead it is encouraged to take the time to prepare and eat whole, locally-sourced foods. The focus is not only on nutrition, but also on preserving culture and heritage as it relates to food.
Our meals are made with care in our own kitchen using traditional cooking methods, and often, long established recipes. Sometimes a long ago favorite recipe of one of our residents.
Our intent is to provide optimum nutritional content, and avoid trans fats. Seed oils are substituted for organic Olive Oil and organic Coconut oil.
We endeavour to purchase our food locally and organic, from small businesses. Our eggs are farm fresh, local and free range, and purchased as needed.
We are currently using produce from our own gardens, some of which we are canning and much of which is being frozen, for the winter.
We source BC organic meat when possible and make our own bone broth for soups and gravy. We bake our own bread and buns and of course fresh fruit is always available. Currently we are eating cherries and plums from one of our residents Summerland orchard.
Meal times are intended to be enjoyed slowly for maximum benefit.