Joan's Garden.

Costco are selling these raised planters this year. It has a water monitor to ensure the plants are sufficiently watered. It is a perfect height for mobility impaired or wheelchair gardeners, and our residents are enjoying this small planter so much that we wish we had bought several more.

Joan is our resident gardener. She feeds, waters and nurtures the flowers and her small vegetable garden. She has plenty of willing assistants all of whom are eager to lend a hand. We have had a very warm spring and the residents have been fascinated by the speed with which the tiny seedlings have grown and flourished. This little garden is showered with hours of attention 

Joan planted Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Parsley, Chives, Tomatoes, Strawberries and Nasturtiums. We are looking forward to the display of Nasturtiums and Joan is especially excited to use the flowers in her salads. 

We will keep you posted with the progress of Joan's small garden.